New York - Day 1

New York.
To the four folks who specifically recommended or nearly insisted on New York at Christmastime - thanks!
We've been here less than 24 hours and I already love this city. Yesterday afternoon, Iain and I walked up to Macy's Herald Square. He was fascinated by the windows (indescribable) and the train and Santaland. I was fascinated by the coat department. I know, consumerist pig! Really, there is no way to comprehend any of it except by being there. In the evening, we made our way to Rockefeller Center, took pictures in front of the tree and the ice skating rink and the milled about with the hordes of other holiday cheer seekers.
When people say that New York knows how to do Christmas, they mean that the city is entirely bathed in Christmas - music, lights, atmosphere, attitude. From Rockefeller Center, we walked down Fifth, Madison and Park Avenues, shopping, sipping coffee (cider for Iain), and noting the extreme uniqueness of the city. We made it all the way to Central Park which while beautiful, couldn't compete with the Apple Store and FAO Schwarz that sit on the corner opposite the park. Yes, my mac friends would be proud.
Today, I think we'll tackle the Guggenheim, MOMA, and the Chelsea Gelleries. I'm feeling artsy already. And tonight? LA friends, transplants from New York, arrive this afternoon and we're planning another evening out.
I can't seem to figure how my grief fits with all of this, except to say that it is better being here than at home. I can imagine walking along holding hands with Dalton, both of us bundled up in winter coats and scarves, dressed for an evening out. I can imagine that he would have loved it here as well and how much I would prefer that he be drinking his annual eggnogg latte at me side. Yet somehow, because of Iain and the magical elements of the city, I'm enjoying it anyway.
I think he would want me to.
To the four folks who specifically recommended or nearly insisted on New York at Christmastime - thanks!
We've been here less than 24 hours and I already love this city. Yesterday afternoon, Iain and I walked up to Macy's Herald Square. He was fascinated by the windows (indescribable) and the train and Santaland. I was fascinated by the coat department. I know, consumerist pig! Really, there is no way to comprehend any of it except by being there. In the evening, we made our way to Rockefeller Center, took pictures in front of the tree and the ice skating rink and the milled about with the hordes of other holiday cheer seekers.
When people say that New York knows how to do Christmas, they mean that the city is entirely bathed in Christmas - music, lights, atmosphere, attitude. From Rockefeller Center, we walked down Fifth, Madison and Park Avenues, shopping, sipping coffee (cider for Iain), and noting the extreme uniqueness of the city. We made it all the way to Central Park which while beautiful, couldn't compete with the Apple Store and FAO Schwarz that sit on the corner opposite the park. Yes, my mac friends would be proud.
Today, I think we'll tackle the Guggenheim, MOMA, and the Chelsea Gelleries. I'm feeling artsy already. And tonight? LA friends, transplants from New York, arrive this afternoon and we're planning another evening out.
I can't seem to figure how my grief fits with all of this, except to say that it is better being here than at home. I can imagine walking along holding hands with Dalton, both of us bundled up in winter coats and scarves, dressed for an evening out. I can imagine that he would have loved it here as well and how much I would prefer that he be drinking his annual eggnogg latte at me side. Yet somehow, because of Iain and the magical elements of the city, I'm enjoying it anyway.
I think he would want me to.
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