Monday, December 25, 2006


I never got around to applying mascara today.
Really, Christmas is just another day.
I told myself and everyone else.
And it was.
No tree. No presents to unwrap. No Andy Williams.
I tried Andy Williams for Iain's sake.
That was after I had applied the eyeliner
but before the mascara.
I remembered Dalton in his goofy red sweater.
He loved that song, the way it swings.
And the Charlie Brown Christmas.
Couldn't play that one either.
I gave up.
On the music that is.
And the mascara.
We went out eventually.
More eyeliner of course.
Went to a friend of a friend's
In the village.
A fourth floor walk up.
Neat place.
Neat people.
Not so toddler friendly.
Stayed just long enough for Iain to throw tangerines at our hosts
and pour tea on the ottoman
and ignore his mother telling him no.
Now I am trying to sleep.
Thinking about years past.
And writing instead.
More damned eyeliner on the pillowcase.
I never got around to applying mascara today.


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