Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Meet Your Tumor

Although I had been in the room when they first discovered Dalton's tumor, until today, Dalton had only seen a still picture. Today, he got the whole introduction. After the EGD, they brought me back to the room and played the video for us. The tumor is about 7 cm long and nearly fills the width of the esophagus. They weren't able to do the ultrasound as the scope is bigger than the regulare EGD scope and they didn't want to risk perforating the esophagus. Plus, they said that considering the fact that it is circumferential, it is probably already advanced and the ultrasound wouldn't offer us any encouragement. This was disheartening for me, although they still hadn't reviewed the PET scan so nothing was certain. We'll know more tomorrow when we meet with the doc.


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